Monday, April 12, 2004

Beautiful Words from an Old Friend

Out of the blue, I received an email this morning from my old AMDA friend Stephanie, who I referred to here.

"This is my opportunity to say to all of you, some of you whom I haven't seen in years, some of whom I've only known briefly for a moment in time. You are loved, you are blessed, your life here on this planet has meaning, you do make a difference every single day. Recognize your power, own your power and utilize it to bring blessings to yourself and to others. Thank You, each and every one of you for having crossed my path and sharing with me your lessons and experiences, your pains and your sorrows, your laughter and your joy. Thank You, each and everyone of you for allowing me to be me, even when I was shrouded in darkness. I hope life is treating you kind. Live for this moment right now, right here."

Check out her website on my sidebar, the St. James Experience.

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