Friday, June 16, 2006

Pride Week 2006

The Fourth Universalist Society' Annual Gay Pride Service
Sunday, June 25th, 11:00 AM
Central Park West at 76th Street.
Guest Vocalist: MzOuiser!

I am honored to have been asked to sing at my church's annual Gay Pride Service. I'll be singing "Virginia Woolf" by the Indigo Girls. The sermon will be given by one of our lay ministers, an absolutely awesome guy who dressed as Queen Elizabeth (with a full beard) last year. My regular accompanist, Mr. Ray Burghart, will be regaling us with his incredible piano playing.

This year the theme is "The Gay Ghetto" - it's the idea that while recognition of homosexuality has come a long way, there are still so many people who regard it as something that they don't want to be near. "Ok, you can have your gay rights - as long as it's not in my neighborhood. Or near my family." I'm sure the gay marriage issue will be addressed - a blatant example of those not-as-understanding-as-they-sound people stopping a buck THERE.

If anyone's interested, my church really isn't a church. You won't hear much (especially on this day) about God and stuff. It's really more of a lecture hall, and the focus is on social responsibility. So any of you not so much down with religion, but who might like to hear me sing, not to mention relax in a 150-year old stone and stained glass building on Central Park West, please, come on down and have some coffee.

I've written about homophobia before on this blog, and about bigotry in general before. I'm not so much of a flag-waver for any cause, but my feelings are strong, and I'm feeling especially proud to be part of this week.

After the service, I'll be tripping downtown to PrideFest, and hoping to see some pals there.


Anonymous said...

Oooh! I love that song.

Wilde said...

Sing out, Sista!

Anonymous said...

It's me, twistersflower. I may be there because it's my ex's birthday and we both want to be supportive of the lay minister. He was very kind to me when I had my accident - has been a good neighbor and a great friend. I'll also enjoy hearing you sing. Pleeeeeeze let Samson not be there or, if he is God grant me the serenity not to go to pieces. Hope to see you. Know you'll be great!